A Surprisingly Easy Solution to Executive Burnout and Resignation:

Posted by Andrea Anderson on 8/30/22 8:30 AM


It may be time to rethink your Executive Assistant Recruiting Strategy

According to a very recent Deloitte study, 57% of employees report that they want to quit their current jobs to find an employer that “better supports their well-being.”

That’s a staggering statistic, given that the Great Resignation has been going on for more than two years.

But check out this far more stunning – and sobering – finding: nearly 70% of C-suite leaders say that they, too, are actively considering leaving, for the same reason. As an executive recruiter, I’m not surprised by the number. Twin Cities organizations, like those throughout the country, are struggling to attract, hire, and retain talented senior leaders. (It’s a reality that keeps me incredibly busy.) But we should all be alarmed by the reasons for these vacancies.

Most point squarely to one overwhelming reality for today’s executive: burnout.

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Hiring an executive recruiter? Ask these 3 questions first.

Posted by Kurt Rakos on 5/9/22 9:32 AM


Permanent Placement and Contract recruiting both serve important functions. But beware of the firm that tells you they can do both.

Is it just me, or have you been sensing a little pessimism creeping into the “talent wars” conversation lately? For some hiring managers, the goal seems to be shifting away from building organizational bench strength, toward something that might appear more achievable: just fill the empty seat, asap.

It's a tempting pivot, particularly within the engineering, accounting and finance, and IT fields, where hiring battles run especially hot right now. I get the argument. If you give up on your hiring goal and engage a “contract recruiter” instead, you stand a good chance of having a temporary professional in that seat within a few weeks or even days.

But is switching to a contract approach a good idea? Sometimes. Before going there, though, consider the differences between a permanent recruiting firm and a contract one. Then ask yourself the 3 key questions I outline below.

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Making The Most Of Your Recruiter – Advice For Hiring Managers

Posted by Adam Hoffarber on 3/18/22 12:31 PM


You may be asking yourself: Is it worth it to pay a headhunter? 

Working with a recruiter to fill your company’s key roles and source the best available talent is a benefit that many employers recognize in today’s competitive employment market. How can hiring managers ensure they fully benefit from working with a search company?

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The Best Valentine To Give Yourself this Year: Find A Job You Love, Truly

Posted by Sujatha Ramanathan on 2/14/22 9:00 AM


If you’ve been questioning whether your current job is really “the one” for you, you’re hardly alone. It’s been a long, often exhausting two years of upheaval. Many – I might even say most – Twin Cities professionals have experienced at least a few moments in doubt about their job and whether their work-life is in sync with their life’s priorities, values, and goals.  

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This Veterans Day, Tap Into This Hidden Talent Pool: Hire a Veteran!

Posted by Paul Beard on 11/11/21 9:39 AM


Today, as we honor the service and sacrifice of our veterans, all of us at SkyWater Search Partners would like to put a spotlight on one particularly powerful way you can recognize the skills and strengths of those who have served in our military: Hire a veteran.

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There is a Growing She-Cession in the Twin Cities Legal Community

Posted by Lauren Swartout on 10/25/21 8:45 AM


Working from home has been a wildly varied experience for Twin Cities attorneys since the onset of COVID. For some, it’s been a time of newfound efficiencies and a welcome break from daily commutes. But for others, it has been an exhausting moment of truth. Not surprisingly, these very different pandemic experiences can be neatly organized along gender lines.

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Finding Your New CFO: 5 Key Attributes Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders

Posted by Lindsay Dubbeldee on 7/5/21 9:00 AM


A trend is emerging among mid-market, publicly traded companies that we'd like to share: The perfect candidate profile for a Chief Financial Officer is shifting. I'll explain who we're being asked to find, why, and how this impacts you...

While the events of the past eighteen months have driven major disruptions to hiring and staffing processes throughout the business world, few leadership roles have been as impacted as that of the CFO. Today, as organizational leaders continue to sort through the lessons learned from this challenging and unprecedented time, there is growing recognition of the importance and influence of the CFO position.

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New Hire Announcements Are Saying a Lot More than You Realized

Posted by Josh Schneider on 6/28/21 8:30 AM


6 Elements of a Perfect New Employee Announcement

If you’re hiring, here’s something you already know: you’re competing with other top employers for a handful of superior candidates. 

But if you’re not currently hiring, here’s something you may not have considered:  you’re still competing.  Every day.  And the competition is fierce.  All of your employees, from new hires to old-timers want to feel welcome, engaged, challenged, successful, and appreciated.  Every day.  If they don’t, greener pastures are just a recruiter’s email away.

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Selling The Job: How To Convince Top Candidates To Say Yes

Posted by Tony Fornetti on 6/23/21 9:36 AM


What happens when your number one job candidate turns down your best offer?  Here’s what happens:  you’re suddenly breaking all speed records to reach back out to Finalists Two and Three (and maybe Four).  But if they were so great, they may no longer be available.  And if they’re no longer interested, you’re starting all over again, re-working your network for the same job. The repeat calls, emails, postings, conversations and negotiations cost you time, money and credibility.

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How to Win the post-COVID Battle for Chicago’s Top Accounting & Finance Talent

Posted by Josh Schneider on 5/11/21 9:22 AM


Thanks to recent, remarkable successes in vaccination rollouts, a growing number of Chicago businesses are reopening their doors and ramping back up. This surge in activity is, of course, a reflection of optimism that the U.S. economy is in recovery mode. As organizations prepare for strategic growth, we are seeing a spike in demand for accounting and finance professionals.  

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