This Indigenous Peoples' Day, Discover a Great Minnesota Writer

Posted by Kurt Rakos on 10/10/24 1:27 PM


You likely knew that last year, Minnesota joined fifteen other states in officially recognizing the second Monday of every October as Indigenous Peoples Day. You probably had a pretty good idea of what that meant, too: that rather than celebrating Christopher Columbus (who, in fact, had a history of committing atrocities against Indigenous People), our state would honor Native Americans instead.

There is so much more to understanding Indigenous Peoples Day than that.

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Email Templates: Responding To A Lowball Salary Offer

Posted by Matt Hugdahl on 8/29/24 2:05 PM




If you have received a job offer but the salary presented does not meet your needs, the first thing you should to is get in touch with your SkyWater recruiter to discuss next steps.

If you are without a recruiter in your corner, and are in need of a template to begin crafting your email response to a lowball salary offer, you've come to the right place. These email templates are meant to get you started in your response.

If you have not yet determined your salary target, review my post titled "Lowball Job Offer? 5 Steps to Take Now (and 2 Huge Mistakes to Avoid)"

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Lowball Job Offer? 5 Steps to Take Now (and 2 Huge Mistakes to Avoid)

Posted by Lindsay Dubbeldee on 8/29/24 1:28 PM


After clearing every hurdle in the long and winding path to your new job, you’ve just gotten the word: they’re making you an offer.  What if the offer is lower than the salary range you expected?

You’ve been lowballed, my friend.

You’re probably shocked and disappointed, wondering if the whole process was just a waste of your time. It wasn’t. All is not lost.

Good employers sometimes make wrongheadedly low offers (even to perfect-fit candidates). If you take specific steps and avoid a few common mistakes, you have a good chance of bumping that offer up into a range that reflects the market value of the job and the value you bring to it.

Let’s start with those two common mistakes and how to avoid them.

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Is There Really A Best Time To Schedule An Interview?

Posted by Andrea Anderson on 8/26/24 1:14 PM


As a candidate, you want to perform to the best of your ability when invited to an interview. As the employment market becomes more buoyant you may find yourself involved in a number of interviews in a short space of time. Naturally, you’ll want to ensure you are the preferred candidate on each occasion but what exactly is the optimum timing to achieve this?

We know the typical weekly schedules of hiring managers, being the Minneapolis and Chicago executive recruiters that we are, and we are here with some advice for you to help you choose the best time to schedule a job interview.

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How to Respond to Requests for Your Salary History

Posted by Matt Hugdahl on 8/19/24 2:16 PM


As part of the employment changes that were signed into law in the summer of 2023, Minnesota’s new pay history ban went into effect on January 1, 2024. This means that you can not be pressured to share your salary history during the job application or job interview process. That's right; you shouldn't be in the position to answer this question in the first place, according to Minnesota law.

However, it's okay to volunteer this information if you're comfortable doing so.

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SkyWater Celebrates 10 Years of Walk a Mile for a Smile!

Posted by Kurt Rakos on 7/17/24 12:29 PM



This month, SkyWater Search Partners celebrated our tenth annual “Walk a Mile for a Smile” event in support of Smile Network International, one of our favorite international charitable organizations.

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Celebrating Independence Day as a US Employer

Posted by Adam Hoffarber on 7/2/24 11:28 AM


July 4th, Independence Day, holds a special place in the hearts of those who live in the United States. It is a federal holiday celebrated with patriotic displays, fireworks, barbecues, and more. Whether you consider yourself patriotic or not, there's a good chance you still appreciate the chance to enjoy the summer and recharge for a day. Here are some things to consider as a US Employer.

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Congratulations, Scott Hebert, SkyWater’s Employee of the Quarter!

Posted by Adam Hoffarber on 7/1/24 4:15 PM


At SkyWater Search Partners, we believe that vibrant communities are built through strong community partnerships. Each quarter, we honor a top-performing team member with the gift of a substantial financial donation, in their name, to a nonprofit organization of their choosing.

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Celebrating Juneteenth: Love, Legacy, and Looking Forward

Posted by Adam Hoffarber on 6/17/24 9:15 AM


As Minnesotans celebrate Juneteenth as a state holiday for the second year, we would like to pass along this story about Minnesota playwright and activist Rose McGee. McGee’s long-running play, “Kumbayah The Juneteenth Story,” has been bringing the meaning of this holiday to life for communities across our state and several others, through the power of storytelling, music, and sweet potato pie.

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As You Display the Pride Flag this Month, Consider Its Remarkable History

Posted by Kurt Rakos on 6/14/24 11:46 AM


Pride Month is a time to celebrate love, diversity, the progress made within the LGBTQ community, and the countless, often unnamed heroes that have brought about that progress. At the center of these celebrations is the Pride Flag, a global symbol of the pride, inclusion, and unity that all members of the community deserve to experience.

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