How to Beat AI Resume Screeners and Get Noticed by Hiring Managers

Posted by Corey Fitzgerald on 3/11/25 8:50 AM


If you’ve ever applied for a job only to hear nothing back, you’re not alone. Many candidates don’t realize that their resumes might not even reach a human recruiter. Instead, they get filtered out by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). In some cases, these systems rely on AI-powered software that scans, sorts, and ranks applications before recruiters or hiring managers ever see them.

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Should I Accept A Counteroffer?

Posted by Zac Kallas on 2/27/25 11:46 AM


No. And here is why.

In today's dynamic job market, the temptation to accept a counteroffer from your current employer after announcing your resignation can be strong. However, evidence suggests that this decision may not be in your best long-term interest.

After receiving an offer from a new company, keep this in mind:

Recently, we’ve seen a rise in the number of counteroffers offered to candidates as sought-after skills becoming harder to find. As the labor market improves, we expect to see the number and strength of these counteroffers increase.

Should you accept your counteroffer? We believe you should never accept a counteroffer. Here is exactly why.

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Is There Really A Best Time To Schedule An Interview?

Posted by Andrea Anderson on 8/26/24 1:14 PM


As a candidate, you want to perform to the best of your ability when invited to an interview. As the employment market becomes more buoyant you may find yourself involved in a number of interviews in a short space of time. Naturally, you’ll want to ensure you are the preferred candidate on each occasion but what exactly is the optimum timing to achieve this?

We know the typical weekly schedules of hiring managers, being the Minneapolis and Chicago executive recruiters that we are, and we are here with some advice for you to help you choose the best time to schedule a job interview.

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How to Respond to Requests for Your Salary History

Posted by Matt Hugdahl on 8/19/24 2:16 PM


As part of the employment changes that were signed into law in the summer of 2023, Minnesota’s new pay history ban went into effect on January 1, 2024. This means that you can not be pressured to share your salary history during the job application or job interview process. That's right; you shouldn't be in the position to answer this question in the first place, according to Minnesota law.

However, it's okay to volunteer this information if you're comfortable doing so.

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Stuck in a Joyless Job?

Posted by Adam Hoffarber on 3/4/24 8:15 AM


“Don’t quit your job until you’ve lined up a new one.”

How many times have you heard that little chestnut? (In full disclosure, it’s advice I routinely dispense myself.) But like all good rules, this one has some important exceptions. When you’re trapped in a toxic job, the path to “something better” can be a steep, rocky, exhausting – and increasingly treacherous – climb.

If you’re stuck there now, you simply may not have the luxury, mental energy, or emotional wherewithal to launch a winning job search. More importantly, though, is this little fact that’s too often overlooked in the heat of the moment: you might not be in the best head space to know what your next job should be. Figuring th

at out requires time, introspection, and, ideally, a little healthy distance.

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Proofreading Tricks to Take Your Resume from Basic to Breakthrough

Posted by Dana Shapiro on 2/20/24 8:45 AM


A well-crafted, error-free resume is more than a nice-to-have; it's a strategic marketing tool for job seekers. It’s the first impression you’ll create with executive recruiters and hiring managers each of whom will rarely spend more than a few seconds scanning it before deciding whether to toss it in the Yes, No, or Maybe pile.

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No Fail Responses to Questions About Your Salary Requirements

Posted by Kurt Rakos on 2/15/24 1:25 PM


Did you know that in the state of MN, hiring managers can not ask about your current salary or salary history? Instead, they must rephrase the salary question to inquire about your salary targets. 

“What are your salary requirements?”  

That question – or any of its many variations – initiates one of the trickiest, most consequential decisions you’ll have to make when communicating with a potential employer.  

How should you respond?  

With forethought, a well-prepared answer, and a clear, confident tone, sure.

But what should you say?  

That depends… on a number of factors. 

If you write “salary negotiable” on the application, it might keep you in the running and buy you some time to figure out a more specific response. However employers are looking for candidates who understand the market, know themselves, and are confident placing a dollar figure on their professional worth.  If you just keep dodging the question by saying it’s all negotiable, you look timid and unprepared for the actual negotiation.  

At the same time, your answer needs to vary from employer to employer. Here’s how to determine – and adjust – your response for each opportunity:

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Resume Fads Every Job Applicant Should Ditch (and What to Do Instead)

Posted by Sujatha Ramanathan on 2/6/24 8:06 AM


A well-crafted resume can be a job applicant’s powerful early advocate to employers and executive recruiters. More than a list of job titles and educational achievements, your resume must be carefully curated to make the first cut of the employer's Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and then catch the attention of hiring managers, headhunters, and human resources professionals. When written well, it showcases you, putting a spotlight on your most relevant qualifications and the value you bring, persuasively driving a narrative about how well your abilities align with the job for which you're applying. Wield it smartly and your resume can dramatically increase your chances of landing an interview and, ultimately, the job.

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Undervalued & Underpaid? 7 Essential Steps To Asking For A Raise

Posted by Matt Hugdahl on 1/8/24 1:34 PM


How long has it been since you last had a raise at work? We know from experience that companies are slow to increase remuneration levels, even with the increased signs of life in the employment market. If you feel undervalued, underpaid and long overdue a raise, don’t rush in all guns blazing. Take a deep breath and consider our advice below:

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5 Reasons To Keep Up Your Job Search In The Holidays

Posted by Kurt Rakos on 12/19/23 10:55 AM


For most jobseekers, December is traditionally written off on the assumption that employers delay filling new vacancies until the New Year hangover has worn off.

That’s a myth.

At SkyWater, December is frequently one of our best months for placing candidates and our hiring activity continues throughout the holiday season. Don’t put the brakes on your job search. For candidates, the holiday season is the perfect time to secure that elusive job offer and end the year on a professional high. Here’s why:

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