Dana Shapiro

Dana Shapiro
As a Senior Associate at SkyWater Search, Dana works a “full desk” on the Operations & Engineering recruiting team. Within this team, Dana specializes in recruiting & placing talent in full-time, permanent positions at various levels and titles. With more than seven years of experience recruiting leadership positions at Life Science companies, Dana focuses on roles within regulatory and clinical affairs, marketing, quality, and reimbursement. Her team also has the capability to work on staff-level engineering and operations roles.
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Recent Posts

How to Update Your LinkedIn Profile for a More Successful Medical Device Industry Job Search

Posted by Dana Shapiro on 6/5/24 12:28 PM


As an executive recruiter focused on the MedTech and Life Science industries, I often speak to professionals with extensive industry experience looking for a new opportunity. What’s often surprising is how many of them underestimate their LinkedIn profile's role in landing their next role. After nine years of partnering with small to mid-sized health technology companies to find and vet top talent, I want to emphasize the critical role of the LinkedIn profile.

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Proofreading Tricks to Take Your Resume from Basic to Breakthrough

Posted by Dana Shapiro on 2/20/24 8:45 AM


A well-crafted, error-free resume is more than a nice-to-have; it's a strategic marketing tool for job seekers. It’s the first impression you’ll create with executive recruiters and hiring managers each of whom will rarely spend more than a few seconds scanning it before deciding whether to toss it in the Yes, No, or Maybe pile.

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