The Importance Of Managing With Empathy

Posted by Adam Hoffarber on 8/9/23 9:30 AM


Far from being the buzzword du jour, empathy is the transformative – but often undervalued - force that influences your ability to recruit, retain, and yes, revolutionize talented teams.

When Star Tribune business reporter, Catherine Roberts recently wrote about the Star Tribune’s 2023 Top Workplaces, she mentioned the dramatic challenges and changes that employers have undergone since the pandemic. She then noted that, based on the survey answers received this year, the companies on the 2023 list “are likely to be more successful adapting to the new reality...”

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Before You Quit Your Job – Read This!

Posted by Paul Beard on 6/7/23 9:42 AM


At SkyWater Search we know from our experience of talking to candidates on a daily basis that a growing number of disgruntled employees are desperate to quit their current job before securing their next career move. If you are intent on resigning without a formal job offer from a new employer, take our advice and read this article.

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Quitting Your Job? Get Some Sleep First

Posted by Andrea Anderson on 4/11/23 9:13 AM


An under-explored lesson from the Great Resignation.

Two years into the pandemic, a Jobsage mental health poll found that most (55%) of American workers had experienced “significant stress” within the past year, with 38% reporting symptoms of depression. In addition, a staggering number reported that it had become difficult for them to even work at their jobs, citing very specific reasons: 37% reported a “lack of motivation,” 36% named anxiety, and 31% pointed to “feelings of anger.” When asked why they had resigned, more than a quarter of respondents (28%) said it was because of the job’s “impact on their mental health.”

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The Tech Talent Shortage Now Threatens Digital Transformation

Posted by Zac Kallas on 11/1/22 9:15 AM


“The biggest challenge businesses face in their adoption of digital technologies is lack of capable talent…” KPMG Global Tech, September 2022  

If you're a tech employer – and today, just about every company is a tech employer - you know the drill: you pour countless hours and endless effort into recruiting and onboarding the best and brightest talent, only to watch them exit through a revolving door that seems to be spinning out of control. It's a vicious cycle, one that's becoming difficult to break. Yet, the stakes couldn’t be higher for organizations coming off a two-year big spend on new technology and infrastructure. Intended to improve agility, security, collaboration, and market growth, these investments now sit largely underused, their potential not nearly actualized, simply due to a dearth of skilled talent.

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A Surprisingly Easy Solution to Executive Burnout and Resignation:

Posted by Andrea Anderson on 8/30/22 8:30 AM


It may be time to rethink your Executive Assistant Recruiting Strategy

According to a very recent Deloitte study, 57% of employees report that they want to quit their current jobs to find an employer that “better supports their well-being.”

That’s a staggering statistic, given that the Great Resignation has been going on for more than two years.

But check out this far more stunning – and sobering – finding: nearly 70% of C-suite leaders say that they, too, are actively considering leaving, for the same reason. As an executive recruiter, I’m not surprised by the number. Twin Cities organizations, like those throughout the country, are struggling to attract, hire, and retain talented senior leaders. (It’s a reality that keeps me incredibly busy.) But we should all be alarmed by the reasons for these vacancies.

Most point squarely to one overwhelming reality for today’s executive: burnout.

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle… Recruit and Retain

Posted by Kurt Rakos on 4/22/22 8:45 AM


Yes, greener employers do attract more talent!

To be honest, when I started writing this April’s SkyWater blog in honor of Earth Day, I wasn’t planning to talk about recruiting. Every April, we write an Earth Day blog, and this year, I’d been inspired by an MPR podcast hosted by Angela Davis, about the growing landfill crisis in the Twin Cities. Here in the metro area, we produce 3.3 tons of trash each year, roughly one ton per Twin Cities family – so much waste that our local landfills have become overwhelmed.

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The Link Between New Hire Onboarding and Attrition

Posted by Adam Hoffarber on 12/29/21 9:14 AM


If you’re like most employers, you might be underinvesting in this critical hiring and retention tactic.

According to a 2021 Gallup article, 70% of employees who would rate their new employee onboarding experience as “exceptional” also say they are in “the best possible job.” Yet, according to that same article, nearly 20% of employees say their recent onboarding experience was either poor or nonexistent. What do these statistics tell us? At a macro level, it seems obvious: employer onboarding practices are almost universally abysmal. But at the individual employer level, they point to a real opportunity. In this age of employee attrition, labor shortages, and general uncertainty about future staffing stability, these numbers suggest that there is a reason for optimism for any organization that is willing to invest in robust, multi-level onboarding practices.

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Year-End Bonus Alert: Your messaging matters (almost) as much as the amount

Posted by Tony Fornetti on 12/20/21 8:05 AM


According to a recent survey by Magnify Money, half of all full-time workers are expecting a year-end bonus this year.  That, just on its own, is a compelling statistic. But as we near the end of an incredibly busy, often unpredictable year of executive recruiting in the Twin Cities, I’d like to offer a few observations – and words of caution – to employers, starting with this:

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New Hire Announcements Are Saying a Lot More than You Realized

Posted by Josh Schneider on 6/28/21 8:30 AM


6 Elements of a Perfect New Employee Announcement

If you’re hiring, here’s something you already know: you’re competing with other top employers for a handful of superior candidates. 

But if you’re not currently hiring, here’s something you may not have considered:  you’re still competing.  Every day.  And the competition is fierce.  All of your employees, from new hires to old-timers want to feel welcome, engaged, challenged, successful, and appreciated.  Every day.  If they don’t, greener pastures are just a recruiter’s email away.

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5 Early Warning Signs of Employee Disengagement

Posted by Adam Hoffarber on 7/20/20 11:09 AM


In my last blog post, I talked about employee engagement and how some of the most successful organizations have been able to boost employee engagement, even during uncertain times of change.  Your organization may be experiencing a healthy level of employee engagement, but you also may have a few bright stars who have begun to become disengaged. If that is the case, how do you recognize the signs, and what can be done?

Even when we do notice an employee beginning to disengage, we’re often tempted to bury our heads in the sand, hoping it’s just a bumpy phase that will smooth itself out.

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