At 14% of Minnesota’s total GPD, manufacturing is its largest private sector element, according to a recent article. The sector currently employs one in seven people living in Minnesota, equating to approximately 306,000 and supports jobs in other sectors. Directly or indirectly, manufacturing supports a third of all Minnesota jobs.
Corey Fitzgerald
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Navigating the Talent Shortage in Supply Chain: Tips for Hiring Top Professionals
A 2022 report from the Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) revealed that 79% of supply chain organizations struggle to find qualified talent to fill key roles. This talent shortage is fueled by a combination of factors, including the aging workforce, a lack of awareness about supply chain careers, and the increasingly complex skill sets required for roles in this field.
One High-impact Action Your Company Can Take Right Now
To redistribute wealth and honor diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Over the past year, a growing number of Twin Cities businesses have become more focused, vocal, and visible in their efforts to address Minnesota’s long-standing racial disparities.
It has been inspiring to see this real swell of effort, especially as it pertains to diversity in recruiting and hiring, creating more inclusive work environments, and shifting community support dollars toward organizations that provide loans and grants to BIPOC owned businesses.
But too often, too many organizations are overlooking one of the most powerful ways they could actually make a difference.