If you’re a hiring manager, you’ve heard of “flexible work arrangements.” You’re likely already enabling some form of workplace flexibility within your own team. Or maybe you’ve managed to bob and weave and dodge the need up until now. But wherever you are on the “flexibility” spectrum, there are a few things you should know as you enter 2020.
Telecommuting, Work-Life Balance, and Flexible Work Arrangements… 5 Things Every Employer Needs to Know for 2020
Have you known for a while now that it’s time to move on? Is your resume ready? Have you compiled your own short list of ideal employers? Then what are you waiting for? Reach out. Start your job search now.
What to Do When the Grinch Steals Your Job: 5 Steps to Weathering a Year-End Lay-off
Maybe you saw the early warning signs: budget cuts, hiring freezes, key projects getting placed on hold. Or maybe you were caught completely off guard. Lay-offs in November seemed impossible, cruel. No company would lay people off just before the holidays, right?
9 Key Leadership Skills Every Executive Needs
Deloitte’s Human Capital Trends report has for years, identified concerns over leadership as one of the main issues affecting global employers. Positive leadership helps organizations to attract, hire and retain passive talent to drive your business forward.
In today’s candidate driven market, a lack of authentic executive leadership will result in your company struggling to recruit the high achievers you need to achieve your goals.
Here we’ve identified some of the essential characteristics of great leadership essential to successful talent acquisition:
Overcome Candidate Objections Before They’re Raised
After an extensive search and a round of interviews, your client agrees with you: you’ve found the perfect candidate and it’s time to write that offer. You’d be celebrating right now…
8 Ways to Inspire Your Employees During The Holidays
The holiday season is traditionally the time when productivity takes a nosedive as your employees are distracted by endless occasions to party. For Minnesota employers, keeping them motivated through this period can be a challenge, but here’s what might just work:
Offer flexible working
Staff who are traveling over the holiday season will welcome the opportunity to work remotely. Flexible working allows for easier childcare arrangements and the opportunity to attend various social professional and family events while staying up to date on projects. If this feels like a step too far, monitor productivity and connectivity by requiring employees to log in to your server during working hours.
Want to Show Your Appreciation this Veterans Day?
Today and this whole week seem like an especially great time to pause for a moment to celebrate our country and the countless individuals who serve and have served it with honor: our veterans. And what better way to truly show our appreciation for our American veterans than to hire them when they get back home?
Forget the Corporate Ladder - Welcome to the Climbing Wall
If there is one career cliché that is overdue for retirement it is that of the corporate ladder. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a powerful image. I like the idea of always reaching higher in my work. If we aim high, stay focused and keep climbing, we rise, right? But ladders are also narrow, unstable and unforgivingly linear. Try to step sideways on the ladder and you’re going down – with a crash.
5 Ghost Busting Tricks to Eliminate No-Shows
You’re under pressure. After sorting through a small stack of fair-to-excellent resumes and sitting through hours of (mostly lackluster) interviews, you’re beginning to wonder if, in this ever tightening job market, the right candidate will ever come along.