Grow Your Talent Pool, Boost Your Brand, and Hire Better Candidates, Faster
5 Steps to a Stronger HR/Hiring Manager Partnership
Telecommuting, Work-Life Balance, and Flexible Work Arrangements… 5 Things Every Employer Needs to Know for 2020
If you’re a hiring manager, you’ve heard of “flexible work arrangements.” You’re likely already enabling some form of workplace flexibility within your own team. Or maybe you’ve managed to bob and weave and dodge the need up until now. But wherever you are on the “flexibility” spectrum, there are a few things you should know as you enter 2020.
9 Key Leadership Skills Every Executive Needs
Deloitte’s Human Capital Trends report has for years, identified concerns over leadership as one of the main issues affecting global employers. Positive leadership helps organizations to attract, hire and retain passive talent to drive your business forward.
In today’s candidate driven market, a lack of authentic executive leadership will result in your company struggling to recruit the high achievers you need to achieve your goals.
Here we’ve identified some of the essential characteristics of great leadership essential to successful talent acquisition:
8 Ways to Inspire Your Employees During The Holidays
The holiday season is traditionally the time when productivity takes a nosedive as your employees are distracted by endless occasions to party. For Minnesota employers, keeping them motivated through this period can be a challenge, but here’s what might just work:
Offer flexible working
Staff who are traveling over the holiday season will welcome the opportunity to work remotely. Flexible working allows for easier childcare arrangements and the opportunity to attend various social professional and family events while staying up to date on projects. If this feels like a step too far, monitor productivity and connectivity by requiring employees to log in to your server during working hours.
5 Ghost Busting Tricks to Eliminate No-Shows
You’re under pressure. After sorting through a small stack of fair-to-excellent resumes and sitting through hours of (mostly lackluster) interviews, you’re beginning to wonder if, in this ever tightening job market, the right candidate will ever come along.
Why A Specialist Recruiter Will Improve Your Hiring Process
Working with a recruiter can frequently prove beneficial to under pressure HR departments and employers as an integral part of their ongoing talent management strategy. Here, we outline the benefits a specialist, reputable recruiter can bring to the hiring process.
IT Recruitment: What Hiring Managers Need To Know
At SkyWater Search we specialize in a number of disciplines, including the fast-paced, constantly changing IT sector. Here’s our take on current trends affecting the industry, together with our advice for hiring managers seeking the top talent:
Engineering & Technology: 3 Key Trends Employers Need To Know
Employers are under increasing pressure to find new ways to source the talent needed to meet business objectives. As specialists in both the tech and engineering sectors at SkyWater Search, we’ve observed three key trends which may create challenges for employers trying to connect with the qualified candidates their organization needs.
American employees are disengaged and millions are looking for a new job. As a number of IT companies are beginning to discover, the sector isn’t immune. With low levels of unemployment and a scarcity of available talent, employers can’t afford to assume their top performers are satisfied in their work.
According to recent research, around 60% of hiring managers have caught applicants lying on their resumes. During the recession, numbers rose as competition became for jobs became so fierce yet it still continues today. The impact of hiring a candidate who has deliberately misled the hiring manager on their resume can be destructive.