Today, as we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we would like to pause and consider the opportunity this day holds for each of us. One way we can honor Dr. King is by asking ourselves what we can do now, going forward, that is better than what we have done so far.
Kurt Rakos

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Stop Panicking! Pay Transparency Helps Employers, Too
As more employers lift the veil of secrecy surrounding compensation, they’re discovering that the new openness benefits all, (including themselves).
You’ve read the headlines. If you’re like most employers, you’ve probably read them with some level of trepidation, if not outright fear. More states and cities are responding to workforce demands for pay transparency with new legislation that delivers just that. So far, the list includes California, Colorado, Connecticut, Nevada, Washington state, and New York City.
Retained Executive Search vs Contingency: What's the Difference?
Finding and hiring the best talent is a high-stakes challenge for every organization. Whether you’re running a start-up, making your first serious management hire, or you’re a corporate recruiter, working on multiple open positions every week, filling an open job is not only time-consuming. It can be expensive, frustrating, and unpredictable.
Yet, every open job represents the future of your organization. Will this new person add long-term value – without too much short-term upheaval? Do they have the aptitude, attitude, and work style to gel with the rest of your team? By adding them now, do you move your organization closer to your vision?
Rest, Reflect, and Recognize
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Learning, Understanding, and Driving Real Change
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Yet right here, in spite of all the national attention on the Twin Cities’ woeful racial disparities in employment and income, those gaps still exist. According to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), unemployment rates are an impressively low 3.3%... until you look at the numbers by race. As of April 2022, Black unemployment in Minnesota was 6.7%, more than twice the state’s average – and 2.4 times the rate for white Minnesotans.
Hiring an executive recruiter? Ask these 3 questions first.
Permanent Placement and Contract recruiting both serve important functions. But beware of the firm that tells you they can do both.
Is it just me, or have you been sensing a little pessimism creeping into the “talent wars” conversation lately? For some hiring managers, the goal seems to be shifting away from building organizational bench strength, toward something that might appear more achievable: just fill the empty seat, asap.
It's a tempting pivot, particularly within the engineering, accounting and finance, and IT fields, where hiring battles run especially hot right now. I get the argument. If you give up on your hiring goal and engage a “contract recruiter” instead, you stand a good chance of having a temporary professional in that seat within a few weeks or even days.
But is switching to a contract approach a good idea? Sometimes. Before going there, though, consider the differences between a permanent recruiting firm and a contract one. Then ask yourself the 3 key questions I outline below.
Yes, greener employers do attract more talent!
To be honest, when I started writing this April’s SkyWater blog in honor of Earth Day, I wasn’t planning to talk about recruiting. Every April, we write an Earth Day blog, and this year, I’d been inspired by an MPR podcast hosted by Angela Davis, about the growing landfill crisis in the Twin Cities. Here in the metro area, we produce 3.3 tons of trash each year, roughly one ton per Twin Cities family – so much waste that our local landfills have become overwhelmed.
Don’t let your Great Resignation become your Greatest Regret
The role of self-awareness in making the career move that’s right for you.
A few weeks ago, my good friend and long-time colleague, Melissa Albers invited me to be a guest on The Self-Awareness Journey, the podcast she hosts with JJ Parker. She wanted to talk about The Great Resignation and how pandemic-inspired job decisions can affect our careers and, more importantly, our lives.
Where We’ve Been and Where We Need to Go: Reflections on Black History Month
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As the leading executive search firm in the twin cities, we are sometimes asked by our clients; "How do we find a quality intern in Minneapolis?"