In the intricate dance of hiring, salary negotiation is often the most fraught with trepidation. Yet, understanding its subtle complexities can transform it from a dreaded encounter into an opportunity for mutual gain. Here are five golden rules to remember before you make that next offer.
Adam Hoffarber

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5 Rules of Salary Negotiations Every Hiring Manager Should Remember
“Don’t quit your job until you’ve lined up a new one.”
How many times have you heard that little chestnut? (In full disclosure, it’s advice I routinely dispense myself.) But like all good rules, this one has some important exceptions. When you’re trapped in a toxic job, the path to “something better” can be a steep, rocky, exhausting – and increasingly treacherous – climb.
If you’re stuck there now, you simply may not have the luxury, mental energy, or emotional wherewithal to launch a winning job search. More importantly, though, is this little fact that’s too often overlooked in the heat of the moment: you might not be in the best head space to know what your next job should be. Figuring th
at out requires time, introspection, and, ideally, a little healthy distance.
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Congratulations, Chase Nordick, SkyWater's Employee of the Quarter!
For ten years, SkyWater Search Partners has been dedicated to supporting the communities where we work and live. That core value led to the creation of our Employee of the Quarter award. Each quarter, we honor a top-performing team member with a financial donation, in their name, to a nonprofit organization of their choosing. We are delighted that this quarter’s winner chose to highlight the extraordinary work of the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
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Congratulations Kelsey Quarberg, J.D., SkyWater's Employee of the Quarter
At SkyWater Search Partners, we believe that vibrant communities are built through strong community partnerships. One way we live by that value is through our Employee of the Quarter Award. Each quarter, we honor a top-performing team member with the gift of a substantial financial donation, in their name, to a nonprofit organization of their choosing. This quarter, we are delighted to say,
Far from being the buzzword du jour, empathy is the transformative – but often undervalued - force that influences your ability to recruit, retain, and yes, revolutionize talented teams.
When Star Tribune business reporter, Catherine Roberts recently wrote about the Star Tribune’s 2023 Top Workplaces, she mentioned the dramatic challenges and changes that employers have undergone since the pandemic. She then noted that, based on the survey answers received this year, the companies on the 2023 list “are likely to be more successful adapting to the new reality...”
As our nation commemorates Independence Day, all of us at SkyWater Search Partners wish you, your families, and your neighbors a happy and peaceful 4th of July.