Celebrating Independence Day as a US Employer

Posted by Adam Hoffarber on 7/2/24 11:28 AM
Adam Hoffarber
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July 4 2024 Blog

July 4th, Independence Day, holds a special place in the hearts of those who live in the United States. It is a federal holiday celebrated with patriotic displays, fireworks, barbecues, and more. Whether you consider yourself patriotic or not, there's a good chance you still appreciate the chance to enjoy the summer and recharge for a day. Here are some things to consider as a US Employer.

Celebrating Independence Day as a US Employer

Creating an inclusive environment during Independence Day involves acknowledging the significance of the holiday and respecting employees' diverse traditions. Consider these strategies:

  • Close the office: Businesses that are able typically close in observance of Independence Day, giving everyone some time to relax.
  • Flexible Scheduling: If you aren't able to give everyone the day off, offer flexibility in scheduling. This could include flexible work hours or remote work options to accommodate employees with family plans, those who wish to participate in local celebrations, or respecting that everyone might appreciate some time off for this holiday.
  • Company BBQ: Consider celebrating with a company BBQ. Be mindful that any workplace celebrations or decorations are inclusive and considerate of diverse backgrounds.

Communicating Independence Day to Your Teams

If you are closing the office for Independence Day, this should be reflected in the employee handbook and elsewhere where holiday closings are listed. Reminding the team that they've got the day off is still a good idea. A simple email from leadership or HR will do nicely.

Here's a template you can use.

Good Morning  Team,
I am excited to remind you that we will officially observe July 4th as a company-wide holiday. This significant day commemorates July 4, 1776, and the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Holiday Details:
  • Date: July 4th
  • Observance: We will be closed, allowing all employees to reflect, celebrate, and engage in activities honoring this pivotal moment in American history.
Independence Day is a day to celebrate freedom and equality and recognize the ongoing journey toward strengthening our nation for all. We encourage everyone to take this day to learn, participate in community events, and recharge.

Communicating Independence Day to your Clients

It may or may not be necessary to communicate office closures to clients in your line of work. However, if this is something you're considering this year, here's a template to get you started.

Dear [Client's Name],

In celebration of Independence Day, our offices will be closed on July 4th. We will return to our usual business hours on [Insert Return Date]. If you have any questions, we can be reached at [Insert Servicing Email].

However you choose to celebrate, we hope you have a fun and restful holiday. 


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